Le programme Groupe de pairs Rosie

Le programme Groupe de pairs Rosie est axé sur la création de réseaux de soutien pour toutes les femmes intéressées par l’avancement professionnel.

Ce programme gratuit de 9 mois associe soigneusement les femmes à un groupe de pairs où les participantes peuvent partager leurs sentiments et leurs frustrations, réfléchir aux défis et aux opportunités et recevoir des conseils et du soutien de leurs pairs.

Apprenez-en plus sur les groupes à venir ci-dessous. Nous accueillons les demandes de participation à tout moment, même si vous n’en voyez pas une qui corresponde à vos besoins en ce moment.


Programme gratuit de 9 mois


Groupes de pairs créés en fonction des antécédents et des compétences et comprenant une animatrice et huit pairs


Opportunités de réseautage


Des réunions virtuelles de 2 heures au moins une fois par mois


Session d’intégration et ressources complètes pour les participant(e)s


Certificat à la fin

Devenir pair

  • Toutes les femmes
  • Situé au Canada
  • 5+ années d’expérience dans leurs carrières (ou formation équivalente considérée)
  • 2 vérifications de suivi avec les administratrices pendant le programme et 2 après (à 3, 6, 12 et 18 mois)

Devenir animatrice

  • Toutes les femmes
  • Situé au Canada
  • Plus de 10 ans d’expérience dans la direction ou l’encadrement de groupes
  • Deux vérifications de suivi avec les administratrices du programme (à 3 et 9 mois)

Nous reconnaissons que les femmes et les femmes aux identités croisées (*celles qui s’identifient également comme Noires, Autochtones, personnes racisées, 2SLGBTQIA+, et/ou vivant avec un handicap) se heurtent à des obstacles uniques lorsqu’il s’agit de construire et de développer une carrière. Nous appliquons une optique d’identité intersectionnelle à nos programmes et au soutien et aux ressources que nous fournissons.

Pour le moment, il n'y a pas de groupes de pairs disponibles. Cependant, nous vous encourageons à remplir un formulaire de candidature afin d'être placée sur une liste d'attente lorsque les futurs groupes de pairs seront disponibles.

Candidatures ouvertes pour les groupes de pairs suivants

Group Criteria

Description: Women with 5-8 years of experience who are looking for guidance and support as they progress in their careers and seek career advancement opportunities to leadership roles.

Kickoff Meeting: June/July 2023

Meeting Schedule: One Tuesday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.

Erin Quinn

Management Consultant and Leadership Coach

Erin Quinn is a management consultant and leadership coach whose insightful style of guidance is built on more than two decades of experience in manufacturing and engineering operations management. Her professional background has given her inside knowledge about the physical and psychological implications of inclusion and safety for women in the workplace. Her dedication to equity and diversity practices means she runs meetings with inclusion as a priority.


Erin Quinn

Management Consultant and Leadership Coach 

Erin Quinn is a management consultant and leadership coach whose insightful style of guidance is built on more than two decades of experience in manufacturing and engineering operations management. Her professional background has given her inside knowledge about the physical and psychological implications of inclusion and safety for women in the workplace. Her dedication to equity and diversity practices means she runs meetings with inclusion as a priority.

Group Criteria

Description: Women with 5-8 years of experience who are looking for guidance and support as they progress in their careers and seek career advancement opportunities to leadership roles.

Kickoff Meeting: June/July 2023

Meeting Schedule: One Tuesday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.

Gabriela Jurca

Gabi Jurca

Managing Engineering and Maintenance, CKF Inc.

Gabriela Jurca is a BC- based mechanical engineer with an impressive resume spanning over 30 years of rapid advancement in her field. From her early years as a project engineer, she has moved through the ranks ultimately overseeing engineering and maintenance at 3 operations plants with dozens of employees under her supervision. Gabriela knows what is required to achieve tremendous success in STEM positions and she is eager to help other women in STEM travel the road to leadership.

Group Criteria

Description: Women with 3-8 years of experience in the STEM industry who are looking for guidance and support as they progress in their careers and seek career advancement opportunities.

Kickoff: June/July 2023

Meeting Schedule: One Wednesday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.

Gabi Jurca

Managing Engineering and Maintenance, CKF Inc.

Gabriela Jurca is a BC-based mechanical engineer with an impressive resume spanning over 30 years of rapid advancement in her field. From her early years as a project engineer, she has moved through the ranks ultimately overseeing engineering and maintenance at 3 operations plants with dozens of employees under her supervision. Gabriela knows what is required to achieve tremendous success in STEM positions and she is eager to help other women in STEM travel the road to leadership.

Group Criteria

Description: Women with 3-8 years of experience in the STEM industry who are looking for guidance and support as they progress in their careers and seek career advancement opportunities.  

Kickoff: June/July 2023 

Meeting Schedule: One Wednesday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.

Group Criteria

Description: Women having newly entered a leadership role with 10+ years of experience, looking for career guidance and support as it relates to their professional and personal development as leaders.

Kickoff: June/July 2023

Meeting Schedule: One Thursday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.

Krista Pawley

Founder Imperative Impact, Co-Founder Wavemakers, Co-Chair IdentityNORTH

Krista Pawley boasts an impressive and well-rounded career of more than two decades. Her professional appointments have taken her across numerous sectors, industries, and time zones. Kristas diverse experience has made her an expert in leadership and organizational strategies that transcend any single industry. Because of her unique approach to policy development and change mediation, she has been sought out by corporate and industry leaders across the country and abroad. Peer group participants are sure to benefit from Krista’s wealth of knowledge and informed insight.


Krista Pawley

Founder Imperative Impact, Co-Founder Wavemakers, Co-Chair IdentityNORTH

Krista Pawley boasts an impressive and well-rounded career of more than two decades. Her professional appointments have taken her across numerous sectors, industries, and time zones. Kristas diverse experience has made her an expert in leadership and organizational strategies that transcend any single industry. Because of her unique approach to policy development and change mediation, she has been sought out by corporate and industry leaders across the country and abroad. Peer group participants are sure to benefit from Krista’s wealth of knowledge and informed insight.

Group Criteria

Description: Women having newly entered a leadership role with 10+ years of experience, looking for career guidance and support as it relates to their professional and personal development as leaders.

Kickoff: June/July 2023

Meeting Schedule: One Thursday per month at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET*

*All meetings are mandatory for peer group participants selected.